Matt McHugh

Speculative fiction writer from New Jersey

Published in Analog, The Saturday Evening Post, DreamForge, and elsewhere.

"Radioland" named an Indie Star of 2015 by Publisher's Weekly. "Burners" won the 2019 Jim Baen Memorial Award. "Jennifer Gives Her Heart to Radioland" is the PARSEC 2021 Short Story winner.

Pushcart Prize nominee. Grant finalist Speculative Literature Foundation.
Matt McHugh


Together Bound Unto Perdition

HOWL: A Shapeshifting Anthology  | Feb 2025 | 5000 words

“The greatest creature I have ever seen awaited us. Large as a colt, but fanged and clawed like a bear. Fur white as ice and a maw stained with blood. Eyes burning like embers. My mother had no chance to even scream before you tore out her throat.”
cover Together Bound Unto Perdition
